My Birthday

Saturday, April 12, 2008

No 21 Afghan

The most colorful yet. I hope this afghan blesses someone in AZ. That is where my last one is goinf; to a Veterans Hospital in Tucson AZ. So Kathy watch for the last two to come to your mailbox soon. I wish to thank our Loves Gals: Jackie, Kathleen C, Shelly, Doris, Judy G, Judith, Wendy and Nancy D for the squares..........

Now if anyone is counting and can't find some of them I must thank Wendy for helping me join a few............Thank you Wendy.

Now on to other projects.


Wendy said...

You are very welcome, The 2 I have will be leaving for their new home in Ohio tomorrow (my mom is sending them)...I just love the picture of Molly.....I would love to get the kids a dog...One of these days we will....The afghan is so warm and welcoming....
Big Hugs

thesuzvk said...

I love the colors!! I've decided that for afghans the best colors are bright and brighter! Sunshine all the time!


Love Wins


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