My Birthday

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ain't She Just Precious

I just fussed and fussed while I was making her. The 'G' hook and tight quarters was making my fingers hurt.
But when I finally finished her I fell in love....It will be hard to let this first 'little' bear go. But go she must. I am not going to send her alone so......
I will be making some more. There is just something about the first little bear that you make. OK so you noticed. I didn't make the muzzle a contrasting color..........But OH MY I love her anyway.


thesuzvk said...

I love her too. You are a better person than I am, I would have to keep her!


Love Wins

pinkangel said...

Hey Suz........Must tell you that I decided to keep her.............Just can't do it........I have not kept anything and this is the very first crocheted sorry but she has become mine.


thesuzvk said...

She can be the model for other bears to come. I'm glad you kept her, she would miss her mommy! (I can not stop thinking of stuffed animals and dolls as having feelings, even if I am 54 yrs old!)My dd used to yell at me for that when she was 10!


Love Wins

pinkangel said...

Suz I had better let you know that I did finally send her on to Dana. She has a good home, I am sure.


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