My Birthday

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Little Frogging and Two Hats Too

Take a look at this bowl. Looks like spaghetti, doesn't it? Well it is frogging. My 3rd hat. I missed a peg and couldn't fix it so this is what I got. Do you ever have days upon days like this. I am getting used to it by now***but alas I won't quit. Like the craft too much even if it does take me a long time to finish something.

These are the knifty knitters looms. I do like them and want to learn how to do straight work on them also.

Walla' Two finished hats. These are going to Michelle at Loves. I hope they work for her because these are fun to make and a nice change from the hooks and needles. Need to go put this back together again. Loves Hugs to ya'll.

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