My Birthday

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Florida Delivery Ready

I am really excited about today. I will be going to the Courtyard at the Mill Pond in Marianna FL for our first FL delivery of our Cuddle Bears. These are donated by Loves Many Cloths Cuddle Bear Memory Care Program, for which I am a coordinator along with our group owner Dana Jonsgaard and Debra "Lovey" Rogers. Dana delivered the first set of bears to Adith Miller & Roger Metz Memory Care in Winnona MN and Lovey is working on 102 for her local nursing home in Eberta AL. We are hoping that this program takes off. Oh by the way we are looking for bear makers, so if you knit or crochet please consider joining us at Loves Many Cloths.
Be sure to check out all the gifts from the heart that we make at our website

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