My Birthday

Monday, December 26, 2005

Hmmm Day After Christmas Blahs

I have been 1 week on vacation and now I feel the need to get out of the house. Tomorrow is an after Christmas shopping day. Shopping always perks up us ladies. Maybe I can even find a SALE!! Now that would do it ** don't you think? I checked Wal-Mart's website and the Kodak digital that I want is out of stock. Well I am not surprised!! It IS right after Christmas. What did I expect****a sale. Why of course. Maybe I can find my camera some place else.

Don't like this blah feeling. It is almost like cabin fever. Tomorrow before I head out to the mall I plan to do the Curves thing. I have only been with it a few days and then they closed for 4 whole days. I know I will feel better after I had worked my heart some.

I had planned to do alot of crocheting but alas that didn't pan out either. Not that I couldn't; I just didn't. Really need a pick me up. I don't want to bore you with my being a little down so I will sign off til I am feeling a bit perkier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


In Great Britain the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day, and it's still a holiday. Nice, because it gives one a way to come down slowly from the all the hype and excitement instead of the sudden let down of "okay, Christmas is over, back to work."

I have been crocheting a lot, but I know your "blah" feeling. I'm at my eldest daughter's (at Ft. Campbell). We're having a wonderful time, yet - even so - today there is a bit of the "blah's" going on and I have to somewhat make myself pick up the yarn and hook.

Getting up and doing the yoga every morning makes a difference though. Sometimes I'm glad that my dystrophy makes it necessary for me to go the extra mile to stay fit. By all means, Diane, go to Curves. You will feel better. Those endorphins are like a magic potion! :)

I'm being called for.



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