You should see the inside of this one. Wow is it beautiful! The living room has 2 slides making it very roomy. It is complete with a washer/dryer/full size refrigerator and dishwasher......king size bed. Just an awesome and reliable coach.
We are standing around with friends wishing them a safe trip to MS to see there grandson.
This is our 2007 31 foot Keystone Sprinter. It is really roomy for its size. The 2 slides give plenty of space for 2 people and 2 fur babies. The grill belongs to Don but we have use after we clean it up. Hasn't been used in a while. Our little home also has a king size bed and we just got Dish. A home away from home that we love.
A local Ford dealer is looking for a F-250 for us. We really need a bigger truck to pull this. We hope to be able to do some traveling in just a few years.
This is my co-worker Princess. Of course she is dressed as a princess. Princess just turned 21 and she is so much fun to work with. Full of personality and a love for the kids. She is in college in the ESE program. Princess is also a very good beautician. I told her that she needs to get her license and set up her new home with a shop. It would be great extra income. This gal is good and I am having a ball working with her
This is me on Harvest Day at the school where I work. This is for Halloween and I am the 'Old Woman in a Shoe'. See my shoes hanging over my shoulder. This was the first time that I have participated and it was fun even though I didn't win.
I have never seen bananas growing before. These were growing by the Showcase at Emerald Lake where we stay whenever we are not at work. I thought this was one of the neatest things I have ever seen growing.
They have been cut down as the season is over. Don said they have never gotten ripe enough to eat, but I think they are still neat to see.