On Sept 15, 2003 (I think that is the right date) hurricane Ivan came through with tornados. This was the closest call to us since the one that hit us April 15 (that is not a nice number) 2001. It hit about 8 miles down the road. I am remembering this because we are now in hurricane season again and every time I go to Marianna I pass this site. It has been sitting like this all this time and no one wants to clean it up. I think maybe the company may have filled bankruptcy and it is for sale. This will be a very expensive clean up process.

Ivan hit it hard. This storm took some lives in Blountstown, probably about 30 miles or so away from us. We have decided that we are going to stay put if one comes into Panama City. After watching how they travel and how the tornados spawn we believe we are safer here than trying to travel somewhere else with 2 dogs. I would never leave them behind.
So all that said we are as ready as we will ever be for this season's storms.
God is our protector and when it is time there is nothing you can do about it. After all He saved us in a direct hit. I give Him all the praise and glory for He is good. Amen
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